
DH and me

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Today Mom would have been 84.  She's been gone 10 years and I miss her every day.  She knew that I could kinda crochet, but not read a pattern.  But she never saw me knit.  She would be so proud of all the things I'm making and sharing with family and friends.  That was her thing to do as well.  Every niece or nephew received a 'Bunnie Do' on their graduation from high school.  Lucky kids!!

So, Mom, here's a few things I've done in the past months.
Quaking Aspen shawl

Baby tiger hat for your newest great grandson, Rafe
Owlet hat and bootees for Crisis Pregnancy Center.
A Viking hat for Rafe!  Fitting for a Norwegian!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Second half of the year's resolution

I resolve to do my best to post something every month or so.  Just got home from a cousin's wedding near the Oregon coast.  She had the biggest smile the entire day.  Love my extended family!!
Selfie with my wonderful sister-in-law, Cheryl!

Selfie with Joe and Julie Hull and Jane Preston.

Mary Sue and Gordy Gamet