Left my cell at work. How dumb is that!! Can't believe how cut off I feel.
I am watching my dear friend deal with so much pain this week. How can one's family inflict so much heartache. A woman who would cut off her right arm for any of her children and they don't want anything to do with her. It huts so bad just watching..
On a lighter note, our main man at school had a knee replacement surgery today. The kids all made 'Get Well or Git Weel' cards for him. They are a riot. I hope he likes Angry Birds since there are so many boyz who put them on their cards. He's the resident handy man, so most of the girls (me included) put tools on the card... hamer, rench, and saw (that had to be spelled in order to get it right!) I love kids and their gift of giving. The cards will be delivered to him tomorrow with his school provided dinner. I'm bringing the food on Saturday night. Yummy chicken with rice for the family!